From: Layfette, LA

Genre: soundsystem culture/140/deep/bass/hip-hop/trap/grime/experimental/dubstep/jungle/dnb/ukg

Affiliations/releases: Headbang Society, What? Collective, Psychocybin Recordings, The WiddFam.

SUBCYBIN is an experimental left field and deep dubstep project started by Dylan Fryoux in late 2019. Dylan was first exposed to the world of electronic music production in 2017 and was quickly inspired to create his own music project as a way of giving back to the community he so greatly admired. After studying electronic music for two years, he set out to start his own project, “SUBCYBIN” with the goal to craft low basslines as introspective and healing as the psilocybin mushrooms it’s named after. “Expand consciousness through sound”

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